You Too Can Build Wealthy, Regardless Of Your Background
Money Knows No Colour Or Race, You Just Have To Figure Out How It Works
The lady on the video is highlighting some of the reasons why people in the diaspora find it difficult to save money or invest. Although most of her reasons are sound, with the right mindset and financial knowledge, there are always things you can do to put money aside and invest. I have noticed that there are some people who spend a long time in the diaspora working two or more jobs but never got a chance to invest both in the host country or back home. When they die, people from the same country will make some contributions to get the body back home. This blog intends to address issues like this and change the mindsets of fellow members to understand how money works and how they can capitalize on the knowledge to build wealth. I encourage everyone to watch the whole video on YouTube and see how you can make some changes in your own life. You can work 20 jobs, but, if you are not financially literate, you will never be wealthy.